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Support MdTL

12 two year olds on a neighborhood walk to admire the hillside

How You Make A Difference

Being part of a community means being part of something bigger than yourself

Support and service for your community is not just something that we ask of our Montessori de Terra Linda parents, it is something that we teach our students from the very beginning of their time at MdTL. We value helpfulness and give our students daily opportunities to aid their peers at school and to contribute to the wider society as well.
We also give the same opportunities to our parent community. Through your gifts of time, talent and resources you show your support for our school. Volunteer opportunities are extensive and we encourage you to get involved in your children’s school in any way that you can.

Support of MdTL’s fundraising effort is equally important

Fundraising makes up the difference between covering basic expenses and positioning us to have financial stability and flexibility that allows us to fulfill our mission and serve our students. It is our hope that every family will contribute an amount that is meaningful for them. We offer several ways to participate in our fundraising efforts.

Explore how our major fundraising programs engage our entire community and include:



Montessori de Terra Linda's Annual Fund

The MdTL Annual Fund is our once-a-school-year voluntary donation program designed to raise the additional financial support needed to offset the difference between annual expenses and tuition dollars. We have adopted this critical practice, like many independent schools, and now rely on these tax-deductible donations in order to meet the school's total operating budget, strengthen the overall financial status of the school and keep tuition increases in check.Our goal is to achieve 100% family participation, so we ask each family to make a donation that is meaningful to them, knowing that we are grateful for all contributions.

In order to recognize and encourage leadership-level giving to the Annual Fund, the school has established the following levels of recognition:

  • Patron $10,000 and above
  • Leadership $5,000 and $9,999
  • Benefactors $2,500 and $4,999
  • Sponsors $1,000 and $2,499
  • Friend $500 and $999
  • Associates $250-$499
  • Contributors $1-$249

Donate Now

Or complete our Annual Fund Donation Form and return it one of several ways:

Montessori de Terra Linda
Attn: Kate Ferini
610 Del Ganado Road,
San Rafael, CA 94903
Fax: 415-479-5394

Employer Matching Funds:

Find out if you can maximize the power of your gift through your employer. Your Human Resources Department will have information and forms required for participation.

All gifts made to MdTL are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Montessori de Terra Linda is a private educational organization, registered with the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 non-profit. Our Tax ID number is 680360702.

"Our grandchildren's education is the most important part of their future that we can help support. They are flourishing at Montessori de Terra Linda and we're glad our contribution can make a difference, even when we live so far away." 
Myrna Canin, Grandparent